Support from local business, veterans & other exceptional individuals.
Robert Hinds
Former Commissioner of CCHPC
“I had the distinct privilege of serving with Sarah on the Historic Preservation Commission for six years. I know her to be independent, judicious, and genuinely, passionately connected to the citizens of Vancouver.”
— Business Strategy Manager III, HP Inc.
"As a city councilor in Camas and now as Mayor, I find Sarah to be a diligent, intelligent and inquisitive staff member. I trust her judgment and depend on her to answer my questions and help make my job easier. It is without equivocation that I recommend her to you. I am confident that she would serve the citizens of Vancouver well."
— Shannon Turk, Mayor of Camas
Col. Larry Smith, Retired Colonel USA, First Citizen 2017, City Council (2004–2016)
Jack Burkman, City Council (1998–2001, 2009–2017)
Rep. Sharon Wiley, 49th Legislative District
Temple Lentz, District 1 Clark County Councilor
Brian Wolfe, Attorney, Port Commissioner (2005-2017)
Peter Lubisich DMD, Vancouver Pediatric Dentistry
Sean Quigley, DMD, Carter Park Dental
Eric Lanciault, Architect, ELOOA
Mary Elkin, Chair, Vancouver Neighborhood Alliance, Founder of Friends of Fire Station 6
Frank Hood, Gorge Consultants
Deanna Rusch, Camas City Council
Leah Crabtree, Planning Manager for City of Beaverton
Charles Caughlan, Retired US Forest Service
Wendy Easter, Finance Department
Amy Boggs, Retired
Jim Johnson, Retired
Scott Flury, Latte Da Coffee Shop & The Eatery at the Grant House
Esther Jones, Nurse at Fresenius Kidney Care Center
Nicole Ladouceur, Nike Employee
Mark Monroe, Western regional manager for Vaproshield
Maxine Davison, Boy Scout Troop 328
Judy Maclean, Retired school teacher
Margaret & Butch Martin,
Decorative Metal Services -
Julianne Douglas, Entrepreneur
Laurie Pharr, Legacy Transplant Clinic
Carrie Schulstad, Director of Camas Downtown Association
Cathy Sbur, Pharmacist
Laura Sherburne, Nurse, VA Medical Center
David Sutherland, Retired
Gabriella Tagliacozzo, Musician
Gerald Taylor, Salud Wine Bar
William White, Retired Coast Guard
Lori Wurzer, Nurse,
Providence Health & Services -
Norm Wurzer, Engineer, City of Camas
Don Blaske,
Naturally Healthy Pets and People -
Ben & Joleen Person
Wes Heigh, Retired
Cathy Huck, Event Services